This version is a preview of the new launcher mode, it’s not the real beta yet. Features and UIs of other modes are incomplete.
The full-featured real beta version is coming soon .
This version only supports Windows 10. The official version will support Windows 7.
Bugs and crashes are (very) expected.
This version is portable, it won’t change your existing setting file.
Exit your existing Listary.
Run Listary.Main.exe.
There may be a UAC window asking for admin permission. Click Yes.
There will be a black node.exe window, keep it open.
It’s recommended to wait for a few seconds for building the index when running it the first time.
Press Ctrl twice to open launcher mode.
Alt + P for preview
Ctrl + O or right arrow for actions.
This version is packed with some simple extensions
Calculator. Just type your formula in the search box.
Wikipedia. Type wiki with a space. This extension needs to download components from the internet and may not work properly if your connection is not very good.
I only had one issue with Listary 5. When i searched for a song and tried to use the action “add to windows media player list”, it didn’t work (i reported the error message more than a year ago).
Well… it works now Thanks for the most amazing piece of software, Channing
Please, make possible to manually delete items from the list forever.
So, if I see an item, that I never don’t want to see - I need to delete it forever. (ignoring list)
And also, please make possible to give manually privileges to items to be ON TOP of the list. (favorite list)
Add setting to redefine hotkeys, currently only Ctrl+Ctrl calls Listary, but would be nice if i could remap it to Ctrl+Space.
Results list is too long, goes beyond the screen down, add setting to limit number of results. Make the search input 25% higher than it appears right now (in the middle of the screen)
Why node runs in a terminal window on the app start, make it background process.
If i launched word, then typed “Word” in Listary again, it would run second instance of the Word, how to call running instance? Just like in Alfred, if you launch an App, then launch that app again in alfred, it would open running instance, instead.
The Options UI is incomplete in this version. That setting will be available soon.
Will also be available.
It’s temporary.
This behavior is defined by the app itself and Listary has no control over it. No matter how you launch Word on macOS (e.g. using Terminal), it will only have one instance.