Can you add a simple calculator function?

I too am desperate for this. Have installed Listary 5, but see no option to enable this. Perhaps the plugin didn’t make it into v5.0?

Could Channing please provide an update, even if it is just to confirm it is not present?

Unfortunately extension support is not available in 5.0 yet. I’m still working on it.


that is cool

The calculator feature was requested in 2013. It’s now 2016.
Is this feature coded in 3 years later?
If so, do I need to do something to turn it on?

Extension support is still under development.

Why would you need a calculator in a search program? Windows allready supports calculators in various modes. I don’t see this as a necessary function for a search engine.

There are probably more important things to be added to listary then a simple calculator.

You obviously haven’t used systems like Alphred, where this functionality is present. When you doing something and you want a quick calculation done, it’s a lot quicker to just double tap the left ctrl key and type in “5*20” and press enter to see the result. Alternative is to double tap ctrl, type the name of calc, enter, then type in your calculation and enter, then close the app. a lot more steps just to get a quick answer.

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FYI, Windows 10 start menu has built-in calculator support. All you need to do is press Win key (this is faster than any app), then type 5*20.

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that would be awesome, if it worked. maybe there is a way to turn it on? by default it doesnt work the way you explain it.

didn’t work for me either :frowning:

Strange. It works on all my Windows 10 machines.

Looking at your screenshots, you’re using an English version. Native versions (other language then English) might differ internally and might not perform the same as the English version. Cortana isn’t working for most native versions etc.

2nd of August the Redstone update is comming and might update things that didn’t work before.

I think that regardless of this, listary needs its own built in calc and math plugin.
It’s a too important feature to leave out.

You need to enable cortana to have that feature working in win10. I just checked, it wasn’t working for me, until I enabled cortana.

I have it disabled by default. I want to sell my data now, not give it for free :slight_smile:

if you have Python installed, you can create a calculator custom command, as follows.

In listary options, keywords, custom, add a new command by pressing +,
Give it a keyword and title, I used
Keyword: Calc, and
Description: Runs the calculation in the python interpreter and outputs to screen. Also launches Python interpreter for further commands
Then enter path:
and Parameter:
/c echo from __future__ import division; __builtins__._ = {query}; print _ > %TEMP%\ && python -i %TEMP%\

once you apply/save this, you can run a quick calculator as follows:
calc 1+1
calc (100-30) / 10

Once launched, you have the Python interpreter and can continue to calculate, including by referring to the previous calculation output, with underscore.

For example, from the previous example, you get:-


By entering _ + 3 you get the answer:

edit: Updated to take into account that division shouldn’t give a rounded up or down integer


i’d like to switch from launchy too, but i miss calc function. also dear author i don’t use win10

Calculator has been added in Listary 6. There is a screenshot here: Listary 6 new launcher mode preview

A post was merged into an existing topic: Listary 6 启动器模式预览版

Great! I was thinking on something along these lines, but you saved me the hassle. Thanks. Just a small change for those in Python 3: remember now print is a function, so the _ goes between parenthesis:

/c echo from __future__ import division; __builtins__._ = {query}; print (_) > %TEMP%\ && python -i %TEMP%\

Listary 6 has builtin calculator support. No need for the python hack.