With Windows 11 tabs feature

After the new update of windows 11 where they added tabs to explorer. Listray opens folder in new window not in a new tab. I don’t know if it’s windows problem, but I hope it’s solvable.

You will have to wait a long time.
No one currently has any detailed info about that new Explorer feature,
not even any command line switches are known.
Also there is no option in Explorer itself to set tabs as default mode.
The god news is that all 3rd party file managers already have tabs
and they are supported by Listary.

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Damn it. I uninstalled QTTabBar too soon(

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Works fine for me. Granted I use Startallback on Windows 11. Didn’t work for at first, but after the latest Listary beta update, it did.

We’re working on this. Microsoft hasn’t provided docs about changing this behavior yet, and we’re still doing some research.


Just curious if there have been any new findings on tabs rather than new windows yet. I guess this is as much a Windows feature request as it is a Listary feature request :slight_smile: (so I ask both places)

Being able to force all new windows to new tab like QTTabBar did, would be better than the mix I have now :see_no_evil:

If anyone has found other ways of achieving this, feel free to chime in!

There is a solution to what you are asking for and it was mentioned in this post

I still use Qttabbar. How do you force new windows into new tabs with Qttabbar?

I was not able to resolve this from the thread about new window. I’m trying to do the opposite, have the new windows generated from Listary find the existing window and placing itself as a tab. If there is a way to achieve this through “Open folder with” settings. Please point it out for me :nerd_face:

Unfortunately, there is currently no way to do that with Explorer.
It’s no problem with 3rd party file managers.
All of them have command line switches to make new tabs instead of new windows.

sorry to derail the thread but are you able to use type directly to search using qttabbar + listary 6 ? here it’s not working in win10 and win 11 using latest listary beta + qttabbar v2048. (listary 5 works with qttabbar though)

It is working in my environment.
Windows 11 22H2 (22621.2428)
QTTabBar 2048 Beta2

Yes, I have no problem with that, as you can see. In my case it works with qttabbar 2048 beta 2, Listary Beta and Windows 11 latest build Dev.

thanks for the reply @wany-oh @Diego_F !
so upon further investigation, it seems that enabling compatible list view style in Qttabbar v2048 is the culprit…

whenever this option is enabled in qttabbar v2048, type directly to search will no longer work for me using listary 6.3.x (although it works well with listary 5.x).

The setting you mention is disabled by default in a clean installation of qttabbar, in my case I have never touched that setting.

By the way, was your screenshot taken on Windows 10? I’m seeing some icons that look different when I open Qttabbar in Windows 11.

Edit: I have enabled that setting and can still use “type directly to search”

yes it’s win10 but I tried on a win11 as well : here’s a win11 screenshot with listview compatiblity enabled, I mostly use it to get custom file colors and always show deatil headers options (although the last can be activate with classic shell/open shell too)

once you enable the setting, I think you need to restart explorer (close/reopen or kill process/restart) to see the behavior described above.

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This is so annoying. I must go to new tabs at least 20 times a day but Can’t drag and drop easily because the only way I can use listary is in a new Explorer WINDOW. It makes this process much more complicated. They should have this fixed by now but they don’t.

any update on this? ive been trying to look for other methods but i couldnt find any. addiing this feature would be really great!

Currently, we haven’t resolved the issue. Microsoft hasn’t provided documentation to change this behavior yet.

However, in the V6.3.0.69 update, we made an improvement: if a folder was previously opened, it will focus on this window instead of opening in a new window again.