Unable to move up/down most frequent menu directory

I have two inquiries need help with, thank you!

  1. when look at picture below, shortcut folders and there are currently no method to move them up/down to sort order for most frequent accessed folder. If I wish to move “Download” folder to the most bottom, I will have to delete all other shortcuts below. please add a feature to allow drag/placement or at minimum, up/down button to allow order.

  1. this is related to one of my older request, Listary result menu closes after opening 1 file

is it available now in Listary 6 to keep menu stay open after we open a search result? I check the log version for listary 6 and cannot find it. please let me know thank you!

  1. Try to drag & drop.
  2. It’s not added at the moment yet.

thank you, drag and drop works. I will wait for the feature in listary 6, thank you!