This version is still a preview of the new launcher mode and file search features, but it’s pretty stable. If you mostly use Listary to search for apps and files, you can already put it into everyday use.
The next version will be the full-featured beta.
This version is portable, it won’t change your existing setting file.
It’s recommended to use it on the latest Windows 10. It can run on Windows 7, but is not tested.
Exit your existing Listary.
Run Listary.Main.exe.
There may be a UAC window asking for admin permission. Click Yes.
It’s recommended to wait for a few seconds for building the index when running it the first time.
Press Ctrl twice to open launcher mode.
Alt + P for preview
Ctrl + O or right arrow for actions.
This version is packed with some simple extensions
Calculator. Just type your formula in the search box.
Wikipedia. Type wiki with a space. This extension needs to download components from the internet and may not work properly if your connection is not very good.
I have a few questions about JavaScript extension development:
Where are node_modules installed? I see the sample extension and the host load “request” and “express”, but I can’t see where they’re installed. Are they bundled in the node binary?
Is there a preferred workflow for reloading extensions when I make code changes? Killing the node process and restarting Listary?
The wikipedia extension was removed from this release. Is there a reason?
I’m still changing extension APIs so I suggest that don’t do some serious extension development now. The detailed API and documentation (including dev workflow) will be available soon (expected to be shipped with the 2nd beta).
node_modules is located at the local extension folder. For the host it’s ListaryBeta\UserProfile\ExtensionSupport\ExtensionHost\node_modules.
No real reason, just that my packing script doesn’t include it…
I’m having an issue with the tray icon. When I first started, it appeared, but then disappeared after a couple minutes. I restarted the application and had an error with the listary.service crashing. Restarted the application again and it ran, but the tray icon is not showing up again.
I don’t think that the idea to go back to the colored one is a good one.
Clearly Microsoft is moving into the direction of white icons with splash of colors for certain situations to convey something, for example, the small green check mark next to the Windows Security shield.
The old colored one doesn’t look at place on windows 10 and to be honest, it has an XP Era vibe to it.
I hope you would consider a solution that does not requires you to go against the trend of the OS in regards to the look of notification icons.
Who said that following the OS trend is always a good idea ?
The current Microsoft trend is in no way a good idea and many programs don’t follow it
without problems for the user.
The old colored one is known and esay to identify which is the manin purpose of an Icon.