Well as I used it, one question atm: as the first match is highlighted in dopus, the space key doesn’t go to listary toolbar but dopus receives the key? Can you check please?
Small fonts and Directory Opus working great. Go to application folder works, but explore application folders goes to the path until it hits a space–goes to c:/program not C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus. My file manager path is C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopus.exe. Parameter is %1.
great update, but the find as you type window appears over DOpus on any charactor. DOpus has special charactors (>, ?, space, #, =, :, @) that perform different functions. Can you not bring up the filter box when these chars are initially pressed?
True. The one I usually use is ‘/’ (which I did not list above) which allows the user to goto a predefined folder (i.e. /mydocuments). In Listary, we can specify the global search char (>). Can you only bring up the popup on a [a-z0-9] char or the special Listary char?
In any case, if you are aware and investigation a solution, then I am happy!
Here is a solution I came up with. Assign a special char in Listary (: for example). When you press it, find-as-you-type will be disabled temporarily for that list, until:
I suggest a special char that would temporarily disable Listary, so if I want to use DOpus filters, I need to
press Listary special char to disable Listary’s find-as-you-type, eg. apostrophe. This causes Listary to ignore one next char, so DOpus can handle it
press DOpus special eg. slash to enter DOpus filter mode
now DOpus filter field has focus and key strokes are handled by DOpus; the next char typed in file lister is handled by Listary (apostrophe disabled Listary only for one key stroke).
Kudos for all the work you have done to make Listary a “must have the Pro version” application. Like several other contributors here, I am a long time Directory Opus user. Listary’s FAYT is a great addition but the conflict with Opus special characters is painful for dyed in the wool users like me. Daroc’s idea of a configurable escape character seems reasonable. Alternatively a configurable hotkey to suspend/reactivate Listary or suspend/reactivate Listary FAYT?