Bug: Listray crashes when I try to search

I double-click the CTRL, and the moment I start typing, Listary crashes with the following error:

Windows 11 & the latest version of Listary

Has someone encountered the same error and found a solution?

Please help.


Same problem. Waiting for help.

What is your current Listary version ?
Actual is
And what is the exact OS version ?

Windows 11 Home x64 Version 22H2 (OS Build 22621.2215)
Listary Pro

same here. i beleive it’s related to using multiple windows users.

it crashes when trying to load try whilst open by another user

Same here.

  • system: window 11
  • listary version:

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What you posted is another issue, and it is fixed in v6.2.0.42 / v6.3.0.45:

Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face: