第三方集成可否支持Tablacus Explorer 或Q-Dir中的任何一个,这两个是目前唯二四窗口或我窗口资源管理器


第三方集成可否支持Tablacus Explorer 或Q-Dir中的任何一个,这两个是目前唯二的四窗口(多窗口)资源管理器,谢谢。期待!

祝 Listary 越来越好,开发者越来越好。

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As a long-time user of both programs, it’d be awesome for Listary to once again be compatible with Q-Dir. They’re both essential to my Windows experience. I’ve tried updating to the latest versions of Listary, but always revert back to v5.

Thanks, team Listary for developing/ maintaining such an indispensable program. I haven’t uninstalled it since discovering it many moons ago. Great stuff.