The Listary toolbar doesn’t show up when the Browse for Folder dialog comes on in File Menu Tool’s Move To/Copy To dialogs, so I can’t use Listary’s Recent/Favorite folders options. Any chance on getting them to agree with each other? =)
Unfortunately it’s not a standard folder dialog so Listary can’t support it directly. But it’s very easy to use Listary with it:
- Press Ctrl twice to activate Listary and do your search.
- Instead of pressing Enter to open the search result folder in Listary, press Ctrl+Shift+C to copy its path to clipboard.
- Press Ctrl+V to paste the path in Folder Menu.
Thanks. I was wondering about that as well, since it didn’t appear to be a standard dialog. Just wasn’t sure if you knew of some behind the scenes hooks/magic to get them to play nice with each other (via the App Settings tab, or something), w/out having to do a workaround. =)
Sorry that currently there is no simple solution for this.