Some Listary 5 questions

  1. What exactly does keyboard > folder feature. I honestly read the help and still can’t understand it. It seems there are a lot of scattered, duplicate functions in Listary.

  2. Is there any way to raise the priority of the listing of an item like FindandRuNRobot has? For example… I type vera and “add remove programs” shortcut is #1 in the list. Veracrypt is #2. I see in the manuals and in using the program that Listary automatically adjusts to those the user runs frequently, but this would be awesome if user could adjust it. Is this planned?

  3. What do “Exclusion filters” (with the star) do in the Index Menu?

  4. Would purchasing Listary Pro 5 grant us to all future updates without exception? According to your post in D.C. forum, yes. Want to confirm. Source:

  5. Out of idle curiosity - can one make an installer version portable without re-downloading? In other words, would putting “portable.dat” and “UserData” in the Listary.exe folder make it portable? I tried this and it worked, but want to make sure.

  6. Is there a thread for listing of beta programs/notifications other than in app notifications (does the app even notify you of beta? I see it’s listed as notify for beta, but it doesn’t seem to even work), Would love an RSS feed of this… I’ve subscribed to FileForum’s feed as an alternative.
    I have a lot of experience in breaking software, so I think I would be useful for beta testing. :slight_smile:

-1. I think it’s not keyboard but keyword, which, when input, shows the corresponding folder as a search result.

-3. This makes Listary don’t show any result matching the filters.

I’ll answer my own question #4:

License is lifetime updates. Very generous.

2 . Not now. But the sorting rules will definitely be more configurable in the future.
5 . You’re right on this one.
6 . The built in update checker should work. You can also follow the twitter account @UseListary .

#6 - i will follow @UseListary but there’s no beta msg there. I found beta on form that is much farther along than the one from may posted there.