[shift] / [ctrl] / .... modifier for filemanagers

Regarding the: Listary Options >> App Settings
Is it possible to implement a way to trigger the listary menu on a filemanager only when a modifier key is pressed (shift, ctrl, alt,…)?

At this moment I can only speak for myself, but I often need listary with my filemanager and often I do not need it. Example: in directory opus you can assign the middle mouse to a button which is extremely useful but it also triggers listary.

Is it possible you could add a choice of modifier(s) the user could check in the settings which will trigger the menu to appear only when that modifier (combination) is pressed.
For example [ctrl]+[alt] is checked in the Listary Options >> App Settings then when the user presses [ctrl]+[alt] AND mid-clicks then the listary menu appears.

This is just an example, if you consider to implement then implement it the way you feel it is best as long as there is a way to activate the listary menu with an alternative way.

Thank you.