Post Your Custom Commands Here

Listary has helped me a lot be it at work or with my daily computer use. It would be nice to see how you use it. Below are some of the most useful Custom Commands that I am using with Listary 6. Feel free to post stuff with Listary 5 as well…

  1. Terminal
  1. Visual Studio Code
  1. Hourglass
  1. Google Chrome

Thanks for posting, and apologies for reviving this necro thread from the dead if it’s not allowed. I used your chrome incognito search to make it work within edge (inprivate):
Listary Edge|664x500

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ssh to a server using kitty (could also use putty, or many other terminal emulators)

hotkey: (not set)
keyword: ssh (or own preference)
title: ssh to server
path: c:\Program Files\kitty\kitty.exe (wherever your application is located)
parameter: -ssh {query}
working directory: c:\Program Files\kitty (wherever your application is located)

ctrl-ctrl ssh servername