New beta version 4.00.1097 - Introducing actions

Happy new year! This beta version added a new major feature called actions.

#####How to use actions
Just press your Right Arrow Key on a search result entry.

#####What is actions
Actions contains two parts:

  1. Some commands provided by Listary. I only added two experimental ones in this version, more are coming.

  2. Context menu, same as (in fact more than) the one you get when you right click in Windows Explorer.
    One really amazing fact about the context menu displayed in Listary is that it is merged from both 32-bit and 64-bit context menus. This is really important and can provide great help. For example on my 64-bit Windows 7 Everything misses many shell extensions because it’s a 32-bit application, on the other side some shell extensions can’t be displayed in Windows Explorer because they are not 64-bit. Listary fixes all these perfectly.

And of course, they all support searching. If you have never considered the possibility of using searching to invoke a shell extension/context menu command, give it a try. After using this feature a few hours, I can’t live without it…

#####Download link

#####How to upgrade
Download the zip file, extract it, and overwrite your previous beta version. If you have any trouble replacing ListaryHook.dll*, just skip it.

#####Change log

  • New: New major feature - Actions
  • New: New action - Open folder path
  • New: New action - Copy path to clipboard
  • New: Your frequently used files and folders will rank higher in search results

Hello Channing,

thanks for the new version!!!

Change log (v1087)
New: New action - Open folder path

Who does this work?

Thanks in advance for your feedback!
Yours Olaf


Select a search result entry, press Right Arrow Key, then press Enter, Listary will open the parent folder of the path instead of the path itself.

The more I use version 4 the more I like it - great app. Had been using previous version and thought that was all I needed, but I definitely like the new features.

One question, do you plan on adding support for Q-Dir similar to other file managers (in the “By Window Type” section of Options)?


Yes, but I’m afraid that it has to be put off to version 4.1.

With I press the right arrow for action it highlights the filename in orange and underneath I have a space for 2 lines with a 2 in the upper right hand corner. I can highlight the 2 blank entries but nothing happens.


Please make sure you’ve fully updated the Languages folder, then restart Listary.

To be frankly, I feel the old way of disk search is better. Interact with everything provides more detailed search result. When I search >*.iso,the 1097 doesn’t shou the file I need.

On the other hand, each time we started listary, listary begins to index whole disk, it consumes a lot disk read resource, which everything use the old database.

So could you please provide the old everything interaction as well as your own one.

Thank you!
PS. everything new beta version is available at

To be frankly, I feel the old way of disk search is better. Interact with everything provides more detailed search result. When I search >*.iso,the 1097 doesn’t shou the file I need.

Please type >.iso directly instead of >*.iso. There shouldn’t be any files that you can search in Everything but not in Listary.

On the other hand, each time we started listary, listary begins to index whole disk, it consumes a lot disk read resource, which everything use the old database.

Some reasons I let Listary rebuild index every time:

  1. The indexing only takes a few seconds in background.

  2. Many users are using the portable version and they change computers often, the index has to be rebuilt anyway.

  3. In Everything I also set it’s database location to empty to let it not save the index to disk, otherwise I have to delete the index file every a few days to get some missed files indexed.

Thank you! PS. everything new beta version is available at Announcements - voidtools forum

Whaaaaaat? Everything is back to alive? This is really great news. I’ll add an option to allow selecting Everything as disk search back end.

Thank–I updated the languages folder and can see the two actions… How does the context menu work?


If the context menu section doesn’t show up, please also upgrade your ListaryHook.dll* files.

You can also try the latest version.