An option in settings to automatically move the mouse to the Listary pop-up window would be extremely useful for me. Windows has a similar feature for pop-up windows, which moves the mouse automatically to pop-up dialog boxes (on the confirm button), but it doesn’t work with Listary.
I am requesting this due to the way that I use Windows, and the headache Listary is causing me due to lack of cross-compatability with another app I have, which automatically focuses the window/monitor my mouse is on after X milliseconds.
With Listary, it causes the Listary window to lose focus after calling it with the global shortcut (most of the time), since the mouse is usually not on top of the window.
It might be more logical to simply make the option open the window at the current mouse position. I’m not sure, it’s up to you. Either solution would fix my problem.
Thank you kindly!