Lots of improvements! Listary Beta 4.22.1679

###Download link

###Change log 4.22.1679

  • New: New hotkeys (Ctrl+N : Next item, Ctrl+P : Previous item, Ctrl+O : Enter Actions menu)
  • New: Search Path now support drive letters.
  • New: Add a dedicated hotkey for Launch Apps.
  • New: Listary now remembers your last Launch Apps hotkey status.
  • New: Listary Options now supports Tab navigation.
  • Improved: Refine UI.
  • Improved: Change default hotkey to Win+G for Windows 8.
  • Improved: Improve folder dialog support.
  • Improved: Improve Total Commander Directory Menu support.
  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes.

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Thanks Channing.
Great improvements.

Any chance to fix the wrong working directory for executed batch files? Please see Listary 4.20.1553

I’m working on it now. The fix will be shipped in the next version.

Awesome thx!

Great update! Is the Ctrl + number shortcut in this version?

No Ctrl+Number support in this version :frowning:

Forgive me :slight_smile:

Can you explain this a bit more detailed, please?

Is it the same as right arrow key? Is it supposed to work when the search field is empty?

One more thing. Why reboot PC on upgrade? Isn’t it enough just to restart the service and the app?

The main hotkey (Win+S) can be used for launch apps or normal search. The new version can remember your choice after restart.

Yes. No.

ListaryHook.dll may be used by other applications. You’ll have to kill some processes if you don’t want to reboot. Reboot is the safe move here :slight_smile:

Indeed – although I have found that sysinternals Process Hacker has a useful DLL finder that will, if you search for listaryhook.dll, tell you which applications have hold of it. Often you can just close those applications (and Listary, of course) before starting the installer and All Will Be Well. (YMMV, of course!)

Actually, this is easier with the portable version, because you can just copy listaryhook.dll from the zipfile once you’ve closed the offending applications.

Process Hacker can be found at http://processhacker.sourceforge.net/ (and there’s a portable version at www.portableapps.com too.)

Or you could use sysinternals and especially proc mon (process monitor).

I’m really excited about the launcher capabilities!

But how it works exactly is still not completely clear to me. I’ve added a path where many of my applications lie. Now if I launch apps, it displays every file as a possibility, even .ini files. It would be great if Launchy has an option that could reduce the selection to executable files (.exe, .lnk, .bat)

However, this makes launching documents easier. But if I want to do this, I would use the normal launchy mode (?)


The Launch Apps feature is continuously being redesigned and refined now. The flaws you mentioned will definitely be fixed.

I wanted to buy ListaryPro because of the skin ability:
Skin (coming soon in version 4.1)

But we are already at version 4.2?

Give it time, it’ll come soon enough.

Favorite Icon disappeared in 4.22 (I think) from the list of files, when filtering. I mean the icon next to the file, used for adding the file to favorites. Tried both running under admin and without.

I removed it. It’ll be added back as an action soon (shown in the right-arrow key triggered Actions menu).