Listary 5 Beta (5.00.2334)

A bit of both. :smile:

I have a lot of files that I don’t need to have quick access to, so there is no reason to have them indexed.

Launching WEB command

1- Support command argument

  • Chrome offers various flags for startup, such as --app= or other flags to customize how it launches. Consider offering option to support this or accept parsing the url argument with the parameters. Example:

keyword: azure
display title: azure
URL: --app=

Ok. For now I can run with && if I can figure out how to escape properly. I tried running with quotes escaped and not escaped and had problem. I will experiment further.
thanks! I will experiment with run box to see how to properly execute with it and then try in listary.

Ok, so I successfully completed a powershell command with the following argument

This flattens a folder structure. Still have a few bugs to iron out. Maybe consider a “repository” to offer to share scripts/commands. This might help extend listary’s power. Big request, but something to to consider as part of your plugin development.

$Rootfolder = Dir "%PATH%*" -Directory ; ForEach($folder in $Rootfolder) { Dir $folder.fullname -Recurse -File -Verbose | Move-Item -Destination "%PATH%"; Dir "%PATH%" -Recurse -Directory -Verbose | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -Verbose } Read-Host ‘Press Enter to close…’ | Out-Null;

Encoding for {query} with urls is not HTML encoding. Therefore a query with invalid html characters (for example #) won’t work.

In the case of a query like this: C# parallel for each
turns into : C

proposed fix: ensure HTML encoding applied to argument for web commands.

Since this is used very rarely, you can create a custom command for Chrome to open a website with arguments instead.

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Fixed now. Thanks for the feedback.

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Ctrl+Shift+x become the file extension show/hide hotkey? It conflicts with QTTabBar’s copy file name hotkey.

Listary Options - Menus - Commands (from the dropdown menu) - Show File Extension. This hotkey was not introduced by Listary 5. It has been there for years.

The Listary / Options / Index / “Exclude a drive or folder” doesn’t allow you to select hidden folders and doesn’t support drag and drop.

There are many locations that I’m not interested in indexing, for example:

  • AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\NetCache
  • AppData\Local\Packages*MicrosoftEdge*\MicrosoftEdge
  • AppData\Local\Temp

Yet there isn’t any way to remove these from the Listary index.

Please add drag and drop support to index box and please do not hide any hidden or system folders in the “browse for a folder” dialog box.

I’m working on a solution for this.

Currently you have to enable “Show hidden and system files” in Explorer to add these folders in Listary. The folder dialog is controlled by the global Windows settings.

Hello Channing,

I have been using Listary 5 beta since one week now and am enjoying it. Great work on the themes. It makes my computing lots more fun!

Looking forward to the release.

Thanks! I’m glad you love it.

Feature request:

  1. Scoring method/filtering: Allow a “score” boost based on extension or name matching. Ie Alias should always be TOP in the list. For example alias outlook should be the first result, not my start menu outlook 2013 lnk. However, I’d like to boost the .LNK files over config files matching the same name. This is one of those features that helps make Find and Run Robot pretty powerful as you can tune the search scoring over time to make it perfect for you.
  2. Last x number displayed on launcher activation. Option to show the last X number of actions launched so quick to relaunch the same action.
  3. Shortcut addition to go straight to options when the launcher is activated, such as control-o, allowing access to quickly edit aliases.
  4. Allow command box/alias box to be non-modal so I could edit results, apply, then continue to test them.

Is there any future in possibly indexing the content in certain files, like text, sql, .cs files? This would fall in the realm of a plugin?

Feature Request
Save custom commands as separate JSON file with a GUI option to export and import with merge. If command doesn’t exist it would add the additional commands, if the command does it exist it would update the command.

I found it cumbersome to share some config settings with other users, so a simple way to export commands and import would a great benefit

Feature Request
Autohide timeout option if launching box loses focuses or another launching action in explorer is started.

**Possible defect **
Web urls/commands don’t honor fuzzy matching.
For example .somethingcommand won’t work recognizing the period
Web urls like:
HR/PTO Timecard stuff (other text)
requires the exact match of hr/PTO, and won’t allow access with partial match.

Suggested fix. Offer an option to enable fuzzy matching commands/urls along with fuzzy matching files.

I’ve turned on “show hidden and system files” in explorer, but there’s still no way to exclude C:$RECYCLE.BIN, I can see it in Opus but not in Listary.

Showing system and hidden files at least allows me to hide the AppData folder though.

  1. I’m working on this. It will be available in the next few versions.
  2. Do you mean listing the last X opened files/apps? A similar feature is on my to-do.
  3. I’ll add a default keyword for it. Currently you can add it yourself in Listary Options - Keywords - Commands.
  4. Sorry that I don’t get this one. Which “command box/alias box”?

Unfortunately no. But Listary will allow you to indirectly call Windows Search which does index file contents.

I’ll consider allowing users to export/import command settings using the “Batch Add” dialog in plain text format directly.