List of planned features?

Could there be a list of planned features located somewhere on the site? After doing some searches for a couple things, there is a lot of “added todo list” but no mention of this actual list or the priority of these features.

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There will be a public roadmap after the release of Listary 5.

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Any idea when Channing?
Keep up the good work!

No ETA yet :innocent:

I’ve been waiting to post up a further recommendation on my blog because of the lack of active development communication. This is a great app so far. Highly suggest getting some progress communication out there with updates, as every-time I’ve come over here it’s felt really dead.


I agree with @g00p3k, a blog post or just a simple forum post updating us on progress would go a long way. Just a few sentences, so we’re not totally in the dark.

Sorry for keeping you guys waiting so long. There will be some detailed information about Listary 5 soon.

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That would be very much appreciated, also to know what kind of customization options to expect.