Exluding Folders for Indexing


I have found that Listerday could be slowing down Build Times in Visual Studio 2017. I recently did a test where disabling Listery brought down build time from 3:45 to under three minutes.

I’m not familiar with the internals of Listery, but I suspect it would have to listen for file events on Indexed Disks/Folders.

Could it be that Listery is picking up on all the file changed events that occur during Compilation, especially in the Solutions “bin” and “obj” folders?

If that’s the case I was wondering if it’s possible to exclude those folders recursively, with a folder filter such as the following?


Hi, is your test result reproducible? Normally Listary shouldn’t affect your compilation performance. It only monitors file name changes, and the monitor is asynchronous.

At the moment it’s only possible to exclude folders from search results, but not from being monitored.

Also, in my experience, the service that impacts compilation performance most is Windows Defender. Turning it off temporarily during compiling can boost the performance up to 5x sometimes. There are many discussions on about this the web (e.g. https://ardalis.com/speed-up-visual-studio-build-times).

Hi Channing

Thank you. I’ll definitely play around with Listary/Defender/Visual Studio a bit and see if I can definitively pick up a performance hit.

I’ll also use Resource Monitor to see if Listery really has an impact on IO when compiling.

Hi Channing

I finally got around to checking Listary’s performance.

I used Resource Monitor while rebuilding my solution and found that Listary’s impact is negligible.

In the end I added my project as an exclusion in Defender’s setup.

Cool, thanks for the confirmation.