[bug] Secondary keywords do not work?


Please see question in the screenshot below:


I would never expect that this is resolved as a keyword.
I don’t see the logic behind this request to use sub-strings of keywords ?
Typing any words leads to searches and not recognizing as keywords.

Hi @horst

Thank you for quick reply
How to add SECOND keyword? (without creating second duplicate entry to same “command”)

Sorry, this feature isn’t available. It’s not possible to add a second keyword.

I think this is a “must” feature for this type of application

Tell us one application (search tool) which does this ?

The only solutions are tools which sets aliases if certain strings are typed.
I use QAP which allows this.
Of course, you have to define each sub-string as an alias for your command.

There are very low number of alternatives for this type of application.
And I’m not sure if this is help to resolve the requested feature

The only true solution to this problem (I in my view) is to simply create a duplicate “command” which is what I’m doing… but it’s less elegant solution, that is why I created this request.
