Application/window switching

I would like to use Listary for application or windows switching.
Let me explain how it should work.

Listary should search all window titles of currently running apps.
Not just main application windows but all child windows too.

Example searches:
drop expl - this would and activate explorer window with dropbox
gmail fire - this would activate firefox and switch to a tab with gmail

There should be a option for prefix. For example “;”. Application switching would be then:
;drop expl - this would and activate explorer window with dropbox
;gmail fire - this would activate firefox and switch to a tab with gmail

What do you think?


Thanks for your suggestion!

Listary 5 will add plugin support and I already have a plan to implement this feature as a plugin.

So how’s going on this new feature?
I havn’t see this pulgin in Listary 5.

Do you have a plan for this in Listary 6?

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Yes, but with a low priority.

Was searching for this feature too.

Until this will be supported. Does anyone have a clever workaround?
Maybe some commandline trick?