Pre-populating seach box with last query

Hi. Moved over from Launchy just recently as I like some of the advanced features of this. One major advantage Launchy had though was that it would pre-populate the search box with the last search query. Can this be made an option?

Yes, I’m working on a search history feature.

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@Channing Is this feature available now? How can I use it? I would like to repeat the last query/search. In may view, just a ‘down arrow’ or a ‘tab’ in the empty box (just after double-ctrl) should display the last used query. Windows Command Prompt is a good example to emulate the idea. Use Up & Down arrows to bring previous & next commands (in our case it is search strings). Let me know if this can be done (or if it’s already available, in case i have missed it).

It’s already available in Listary 6 preview. Simply press Up after activating Listary.

Yes, it is already available.

Great thanks for implementing this!