Listary toolbar not coming up in Firefox

The listary toolbar is not coming up in firefox when i want to save images in different folders , When i right click and select save image the save window appears but listary is no longer there, it used to be there. In Opera browser it is coming perfectly.

How do i fix this please?

Thank You.

Hi Eric, you can try the following:

  1. Open Listary Options - By Application, check if you’ve blocked Firefox accidentally.
  2. Check if you’re running Firefox as administrator.

I checked what you told me. The By Application list is completely empty. I am running as administator. Same thing works fine on Opera

If Firefox is run as administrator, I’m afraid Listary toolbar can’t show up because Listary only has normal privileges and Firefox is inaccessible for it.

But it was working before, did it stop working because of upgrading the browser? Has it stopped working on your firefox browser also?

Thank You for replying.

How and why do you start Firefox as admin? I think it’s quite unusual.

I don’t start Firefox as administrator, never have. I wasn’t even aware of the option till you told me.

Thank You.

Any update please?

Hi Eric. Do your have check marks for the highlighted settings in this screenshot?

Thank You for replying!

Yes those highlighted settings are checkmarked.

Wow that’s really strange since it’s working in Opera… :frowning:
It’s working fine for me in Firefox.

What happens if you try to activate Listary in the save window via hotkey?
You can find the hotkey settings as shown in this screenshot.

This is weird. I just tested the latest version of Firefox and Listary worked well with it. Can you activate the toolbar using hotkey as @Turion suggested?

I activated the hotkey (windows key +s) on the save window and the toolbar came up. But when i typed the folder i wanted and pressed enter it opened a new separate explorer window not in the save window.

Can a addon cause the problem? i have noscript, adblock and some other addons