Possible to get the fuzzy syntax back?


I would really like to be able to do a real fuzzy search, i.e. without having to enter \ to specify that it is part of path.

I would rather do without the , or maybe exchange it with a space?
Maybe make it a setting to change the path specifier?

Best regards
Ove B-)

What I am trying to do is to navigate a folder structure like this in a Save as dialog:

Jon Smith
 |  |-2016
 |  \-2017
Jane Peterson
 |  |-2016
 |  \-2017
Oliver Janson
 |  |-2016
 |  \-2017

And I would like the search term to be: Oliver Salary 2017 or Ol sal 7

This feature was removed because it gave so many unwanted results when you just wanted to do a normal search (and that is 99% of the case). Imagine you want to find 2017 report.pdf. Without this feature you only need to type something like 2017 pdf. However if this feature is turned on, Listary will find every single pdf file in every 2017 folder. That may mean thousands of extra results which are not only annoying but will also slow down the search significantly.

So at the moment it’s necessary to make some differences between the normal search and parent folder search syntaxes.