Why Listary dont show Skype for Windows 10 app?

Why Listary dont show Skype for Windows 10 app? The one from Windows Store.

Listary can find Skype on my system. I’ll take a look.

I can find Skype on my Win10 PC too.

A question: How do you capture the Listary picture, which application?

I used Snagit to capture that screenshot.

Ok… Take a loook… Thanksss
I think the one you show in the Screeshot is the Old Skype.
Any of my Windows 10 Store apps are shown by my Listary,

Windows 10 + new Skype:


It’s the new Skype. I’ve already made some changes in the new version to improve Windows Store app search. Hopefully it can fix the issue on your system.

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When will be released the new version?

A beta should be available soon.

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